
Showing posts with the label quantum mechanics

Three ways to look at the Bell/GHZ experiment

In 1964 John Stewart Bell proposed an experiment to determine whether the results of quantum measurements were truly random, or governed by hidden variables, i.e. state that exists prior to the measurement, but which we don’t have access to. The experiment involved creating a large number of EPR pairs, and firing them at two observers, Alice and Bob, who measure their photon’s polarisation, choosing the $\updownarrow$ direction or the $\nearrow\llap\swarrow$ direction at random. Determining the result of the experiment involves doing a complex statistical calculation to see if something called Bell’s inequality is satisfied or violated. The Bell experiment was first performed by in 1982 by Alain Aspect, and the result, as most commonly interpreted, is that hidden variables can only exist if Quantum Mechanics is non-local, i.e. if it supports faster-than-light causality! Some time after Bell proposed his experiment, Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger suggested an alternativ

Everything, Everywhere, All At Once

What's going on right now, 70,000 light years away on the nearest galaxy to our own, Canis Major?  Or put it another way, if we're at $x = y = z = t = 0$, what's happening at $y = z = t = 0$ and $x$ = 70,000 light years? According to Einstein's special theory of relativity it depends who you ask.  The most natural coordinates to use depend on your inertial frame.  Sitting in frame $S$, I may use the coordinates $x,y,z,t$ but someone in frame $S'$ would need to use $x',y',z',t'$ in order to observe the universe operating according to the same physical laws.  To make it more concrete, imagine $S$ and $S'$ share their $y$ and $z$ axes, and $S'$ is moving at velocity $v$ along the $x$ axis of $S$.  In this case the transform for converting between the two reference frames is $$ \begin{align} x' &= \frac{x - vt}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^2}}} \\ y' &= y \\ z' &= z \\ t' &= \frac{t - \frac{vx}{c^2}}{\sqrt{1-\frac{v^2}{c^

Many Worlds Quantum Tic Tac Toe

MWQT$^3$ I've just discovered Quantum Tic Tac Toe .  This is a brilliant game designed to give players an intuition for Quantum Mechanics without requiring them to learn any complicated mathematics. Superposition Instead of playing in just one square each player gets to play in two squares at once.   Here player X has played in the 1st & 2nd squares on their first move, the 3rd & 6th squares on their 2nd move, and the 8th & 9th squares on their 3rd move.  Similarly player O has played on two squares each move, and the marks are subscripted to indicate when in the game play they were laid down. Entanglement Ultimately each pair of marks will be replaced with a single mark and the board will look like ordinary Tic Tac Toe - which is how we are able to determine a winner.  But the final location of, say, $O_2$ may need to depend on the final location of, say, $X_1$ if we are to avoid ending up with squares with multiple marks in them.  In this case the moves $X_1$ and $O_2

"Virtual" particles

Lockdown reading My lockdown reading list consists of just one book. This might last a long time I thought, so it's my opportunity to make a 2nd stab at understanding Quantum Field Theory. Last time, I bought "Quantum Field Theory for the gifted Amateur" and I learned a lot from it. Mainly that I am not gifted! I got three chapters through it and then gave up on the book, and on quantum field theory. This time round I did my research better and found a much more gentle book: Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory, by Robert D. Klauber . It covers the same material, but takes pains not to lose the reader, by spelling out every ambiguity and subtlety. I'm half way through and feeling quite chuffed with myself. Here I am studying hard, on a sunny day in Lockdown Britain: No, the weights are not mine In this book, and every other in the QFT literature there is a concept of some particles being virtual. What's this about?  Why are some virtual and o

Quantum Gate

It may not be entirely obvious from the photograph (which I took at night, while hashing ) but this is a wrought iron gate. It opens on to a front garden on Maid's Causeway, Cambridge.  Why?  I don't know.  Has an important physicist lived there?  There's no Blue Plaque , so maybe it's just an enthusiast, like me! What does it mean?  I don't know for certain, but I suspect it is a reference to something similar to the GHSZ variant of the Bell Inequality Test .  The results of this test demonstrate that there are no hidden variables in quantum mechanics.  I say "similar" because, in GHSZ instead of 0 and 1 the spins $\downarrow$ and $\uparrow$ are used, and there's a minus instead of a plus. If you know anything more, please tell me!

A Scientist and a Spin

Top left box evolves into a superposition of the other two When introduced to quantum physics the first example we encounter is usually that of a single particle.  We are shown that experiment demonstrates a particle left alone evolves into a superposition of states.  These states may be position states or they may be momentum states, or if the particle has spin it may be a superposition of spin states.  It doesn't matter, the point is that fundamental particles can be in a superposition of states.  That's because they are small, we are told, so you wouldn't expect them to behave like big things do, we are told. The next thing we are shown is how the Schroedinger equation governs the evolution of this superposition.  The particle is not usually in every state equally, it is more in one position state (or momentum state, or spin state) than it is in another.  The distribution over these so-called basis states evolves with time and the Schroedinger equa

4 arguments for the multiverse

Clockwise from top left: Occam, Deutsch, Everett, and Dirac Occam's razor The anthropic principle Forward reasoning Lack of any consistent alternative 1. Occam's razor Hugh Everett's 1956 thesis The Theory of the Universal Wavefunction opens with a mathematical summary of the then widely accepted Copenhagen Interpretation. "... there are two fundamentally different ways in which the state function can change:    Process 1:  The discontinuous change brought about by the observation of a quantity with eigenstates $\phi_1, \phi_2,...,$ in which the state $\psi$ will be changed to the state $\phi_j$ with probability $\lvert(\psi,\phi_j)\rvert^2$. Process 2: The continuous, deterministic change of state of the (isolated) system with time according to a wave equation $\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t} = U\psi$, where $U$ is a linear operator." The 1st process is commonly known as the "collapse of the wavefunction" and

Five minutes to midnight

The End Is Always Nigh I suspect I am not the only person to feel this way, but for me the present moment seems to have a strong five minutes to midnight character to it.  Another way of putting it is the end is nigh , although I prefer five minutes to midnight because it carries fewer religious connotations.  (And also because it gives a nod to the famous Doomsday Clock started by the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists following the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.) From First and foremost in my mind is the climate crisis.  We're told by the IPCC the tipping point could be as low as 1.5 °C, which is only 0.4 °C away from where we are now.  And that (making optimistic assumptions) we have a CO 2 budget equivalent to 10 years of emissions at today's rates.  Beyond the tipping point the future looks so bleak that even if humans do survive it's hard to see there being very many of them, or their lives being very nice. But it isn't just the climat

More late night thinking...

(Probably mad, but worth saving for posterity) Today's post follows on from this previous post  in which I argued that the entire universe is in a superposition of states. I showed how this can lead to the impression that only the system under study is in a superposition, whilst the rest of the world is in a single - classical - state.  To summarize that argument: Reality is a superposition of states for the entire universe, each of which can be thought of as a complete classical block universe. We don't directly experience the whole universe, so let's arbitrarily place a closed surface around us to demarcate what we "directly" experience.  Remember that this is a surface in 4 dimensional spacetime and so is itself 3 dimensional.  Also remember that it is completely arbitrary: if you like you can let it contain your entire body for your entire life; or it could just be your brain for some duration.  You could even let the surface enclose everythi