
Showing posts with the label quantum computers

Three ways to look at the Bell/GHZ experiment

In 1964 John Stewart Bell proposed an experiment to determine whether the results of quantum measurements were truly random, or governed by hidden variables, i.e. state that exists prior to the measurement, but which we don’t have access to. The experiment involved creating a large number of EPR pairs, and firing them at two observers, Alice and Bob, who measure their photon’s polarisation, choosing the $\updownarrow$ direction or the $\nearrow\llap\swarrow$ direction at random. Determining the result of the experiment involves doing a complex statistical calculation to see if something called Bell’s inequality is satisfied or violated. The Bell experiment was first performed by in 1982 by Alain Aspect, and the result, as most commonly interpreted, is that hidden variables can only exist if Quantum Mechanics is non-local, i.e. if it supports faster-than-light causality! Some time after Bell proposed his experiment, Greenberger, Horne, and Zeilinger suggested an alternativ


Why opening the box breaks the spell Quantum computers can answer questions like "what are the factors of this number?"   If the numbers are large enough these are questions that classical computers could never have the resources to answer.  For example you could ask it "what numbers divide 621405631250025693248096949484035695232" and it might respond "1932840132984031923 divides 621405631250025693248096949484035695232" as this is one of the divisors. Except not yet.  At the moment quantum computers are pretty puny and only have a few qubits each.  A quantum computer with 4 qubits might be able to tell you what the divisors of 15 are, but it couldn't go any higher without needing more qubits.  And the problem that is making it difficult to build bigger, better , quantum computers is decoherence . Before describing decoherence, let's look at how a quantum computer works.  In the following diagram points on the paper represent orthoganal stat