Why is the universe like a tortoiseshell cat?

COBE CMB fluctuations. Original Source: NASA All tortoiseshell cats are female. Males can be black, or ginger, but never tortoiseshell. The reason for this is that the mechanism by which tortoiseshell cats get the patterns on their coats depends on having two X chromosomes. This is all described beautifully in Chapter 7 of "Junk DNA", by Nessa Carey . Females have twice as many X chromosomes as males, which on the face of it should result in 100% more expression for the genes on that chromosome. This should lead to much greater differences between males and females than we actually see. To put this in perspective, Down's syndrome is caused by individuals having 3 copies of chromosome 21 instead of 2. But this is a far smaller chromosome than X and the difference is only 50%, rather than 100%. (The fact that chromosome 21 is so small is the reason Down's syndrome is more common than syndromes in which there are too many copies of more impo...