Sunflowers and traffic lights

It occurred to me the other day while looking at a set of LED traffic lights that they could be improved quite easily. The layout of the LEDs in all the ones I've seen seems to favour some radial directions over others and/or result in a higher concentration of bulbs at some radii than at others. My solution involves placing LEDs a increasing distances from the centre and as each LED is placed rotating by the golden angle . This ensures that no radial direction is preferred over any other. In addition to this, setting r_n = \sqrt{n} ensures that each bulb covers a roughly similar area. By "area covered" I am referring to the portion of space which is closer to that bulb than to any other. This is the Voronoi cell generated by a point belonging to a set of points. The picture above shows the Voronoi cells generated by a set of LEDs placed in the manner described, and the code below shows how I obtained it. I think it would make a pret...