
Showing posts with the label graph theory

My Family Tree

The extended family I've been sharing digs with... See alt-text for code

Platonic Solids and Logic

When I first learned there are just 5 platonic solids I was surprised and a bit confused.  Why 5?  0 or 1 or \infty all seem like reasonable possibilities, but 5 is just so ... arbitrary.  And how on earth can you ever be sure there aren't more that just haven't been found yet? The first proof I saw went like this:   If 6 equilateral triangles share a vertex the total angle subtended at the vertex is 60^{\circ} \times 6 = 360^{\circ} meaning it's flat (they're in a plane).  So platonic solids with equilateral triangles must have 3, 4, or 5 trangles sharing each vertex.  That's 3 platonic solids! If 4 squares share a vertex the total angle subtended at the vertex is 90^{\circ} \times 4 = 360^{\circ}, and likewise that means it's in a plane.  So there can only one platonic solid made from squares, namely one with 3 squares sharing each vertex. One to go! Since 108^{\circ} \times 3 < 360^{\circ} < 108^{\circ} \times 4 the onl...