Dobble Connect

I was given a new version of Dobble for Xmas called Dobble Connect. Dobble consists of stack of cards with pictures on it where each pair of cards has one match, and each pair of symbols appears on one card. This is a new version which has 91 symbols in total, 10 symbols per card, and 91 cards. The fingerprint of the original Dobble was (57 symbols, 8 symbols, 57 cards). An additional innovation in Dobble Connect is that the cards are hexagonal and grouped into a colour per player. Players build a tiling on the tabletop, placing cards next to each other as soon as they spot a matching symbol between their top card and one of the cards already placed. The first player to get four of their own colour in a row wins. How is it possible for each pair of cards to have one and only one symbol in common, and for each pair of symbols to appear on one and only one card? Does that have something to do with the strange number 91? The answer i...