3 surprising facts about the cycloid!

Yay! Clickbait for nerds!

What's this?  Read on to find out!

A cycloid is the shape traced out by a dot on the rim of a wheel between two places where it touches the ground when rolling along.  But from here on I'll mean the upside down version of that curve when I use the term.

Fact One: It's the perfect timekeeper!

Better than your granddad's pendulum!
Drop a ball anywhere on this curve, it doesn't matter where, it will take the same time to get back where it started.  Here's why:

If \theta is the angle between the spoke the dot lives on and the vertical then
\begin{align} x &= r\theta - rsin\theta \\ y &= r + rcos\theta \\ dx &= r(1-cos\theta) \ d\theta \\ dy &= -rsin\theta \ d\theta \\ \end{align}

which allows us to calculate the path length s as a function of \theta

\begin{align} ds^2 &= dx^2 + dy^2 \\ &= r^2 d\theta^2((1-cos\theta)^2 + sin^2\theta)) \\ &= r^2 d\theta^2(2 - 2cos\theta) \\ &= 4 r^2 d\theta^2 sin^2 \frac{\theta}{2} \\ \implies s &= \int ds \\ &= 2 r \int sin \frac{\theta}{2} d\theta \\ &= - 4 r \ cos\frac{\theta}{2} \end{align}

(setting the constant of integration to zero.) If we now note that y can be rewritten in terms of s
\begin{align} y &= r(1 + cos\theta) \\ &= 2 r\ cos^2\frac{\theta}{2} \\ &= \frac{s^2}{8r} \end{align}

Then we can write the Lagrangian in terms of s alone

\begin{align} L &= T - V \\ &= \frac{1}{2}\dot{s}^2 - gy \\ &= \frac{1}{2}\dot{s}^2 - \frac{1}{2}\omega^2 s^2 \\ \end{align}

where \omega = \frac{1}{2}\sqrt{\frac{g}{r}}.  This should be familiar as the Lagrangian for the Simple Harmonic Oscillator with fixed period \frac{2\pi}{\omega} and solution

s = A\ sin \omega t + B\ cos \omega t

Fact Two: The wheel rolls along at a fixed speed

Let's try to find a particular solution for the case where the ball starts off with zero velocity at the top left corner:

\begin{align} \dot{s}(0) &= 0 &\implies A &= 0 \\ s(0) &= -4r &\implies B &= -4r\\ \end{align}

So, comparing our two expressions for s:
-4r\ cos(\omega t) = -4r cos(\frac{\theta}{2})

\theta = \pm 2 \omega t + 4\pi n

In other words: paint a dot on the rim of a wheel, roll it along at a constant speed, and the movement of the dot will match the movement of a ball rolling along a cycloid with maximal amplitude (except upside down).  And if you want it to work for more than half a cycle you need to place buffers so that the wheel keeps bouncing back and forth!

\theta vs time

Fact Three:  Every curve of minimum time is a section of the cycloid

Yes, the cycloid solves the Brachistochrone problem!  Let's see why:

Let's look at a small section of a curve as shown above.  We have three points (x_0,y_0), (x_1,y_1), and (x_2,y_2) but we're only going to treat x_1 as variable and we're going to see what we can say about a value of x_1 that minimises the time.

First we need to write the time in terms of s and the speed \dot{s}
\begin{align} t &= t_1 + t_2 \\ &= \frac{s_1}{\dot{s}_1} + \frac{s_2}{\dot{s}_2}\\ \end{align}

If x_1 minimises t then \frac{dt}{dx_1} = 0 or
\frac{1}{\dot{s}_1}\frac{ds_1}{dx_1} + \frac{1}{\dot{s}_2}\frac{ds_2}{dx_1} = 0 \tag{1}

This is because \dot{s} is a function of height and is independent of x_1.  Let's work out those derivatives now:
\begin{align}  &s_1^2 = x_1^2 + \delta y ^2 \\ \implies  &\frac{ds_1}{dx_1}s_1 = 2x_1 \\ \implies  &\frac{ds_1}{dx_1} = \frac{x_1}{s_1} \tag{2} \\ &s_2^2 = (x_2-x_1)^2 + \delta y ^2 \\ \implies &2 \frac{ds_2}{dx_1}s_2 = -2(x_2-x_1) \\ \implies &\frac{ds_2}{dx_1} = \frac{x_1 - x_2}{s_2} \tag{3} \end{align}

Substituting (2) and (3) into (1) gives
\frac{1}{\dot{s}_1}\frac{x_1}{s_1} + \frac{1}{\dot{s}_2}\frac{x_1-x_2}{s_2} = 0

which rearranges to give
\left[\frac{1}{\dot{s}}\frac{\delta x}{\delta s}\right]_{y_1} = \left[\frac{1}{\dot{s}}\frac{\delta x}{\delta s}\right]_{y_2}

or, more succinctly


Note that \dot{s} is just a function of y and \frac{dx}{ds} is the cosine of the incline.  Anyway the last step is to show that the same is true for the cycloid:

\begin{align} \frac{dx}{ds} &= \frac{dx/d\theta}{ds/d\theta} \\ &=  \frac{1-cos\theta}{2\ sin \frac{\theta}{2}} \\ &=  \frac{2 - 2\ cos^2 \frac{\theta}{2}}{2\ sin \frac{\theta}{2}} \\ &=  \frac{2\ sin^2 \frac{\theta}{2}}{2\ sin \frac{\theta}{2}} \\ &=  sin \frac{\theta}{2} \tag{1}\\ \frac{1}{2}\dot{s}^2 &= g (2r - y) \\ &= g(r - r\ cos\theta) \\ &= gr(1 - cos\theta) \\ &= 2gr sin^2 \frac{\theta}{2} \tag{2}\\ (1) + (2) &\implies \\ \frac{1}{\dot{s}} \frac{dx}{ds} &= \frac{sin \frac{\theta}{2}}{2\ \sqrt{gr}sin \frac{\theta}{2}} \\ &= \frac{1}{2\ \sqrt{gr}} \\ \end{align}

which is also a CONSTANT, and in fact any constant can be achieved just by varying r.

Code for the animation

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.animation as animation
from numpy import array, linspace, sin, cos, sqrt, pi, arccos

g = 9.81

# Choose r to get freq (see (2) below)
period = 2
freq = 1./period
r = g / ((4 * pi * freq)**2)

# Integrating sqrt(dx^2+dy^2), where x = r*theta - sin(theta) and y = r + r*cos(theta):
# s(t) = -4 * r * cos(theta/2) .......................... (1)
# Writing the Lagrangian in terms of s and obtaining the E-L equation:
# s"(t) = -g/(4 * r) * s(t) ............................. (2)
# Solving for s(t) given s'(0) = 0 and s(0) = -4 * r:
# s(t) = -4 * r * cos(omega * t) ........................ (3)
# where
omega = 0.5 * sqrt(g/r)

# Plot the cycloid and a point at the top left
theta = linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000)
x = r * (theta - sin(theta))
y = r * (1 + cos(theta))
margin = r
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(xlim=(x[0] - margin, x[-1] + margin), ylim=(0 - margin ,2*r + margin))
line_obj = ax.plot(x, y)[0]
point_obj = ax.scatter([x[0]], [y[0]])
#circle_obj, = ax.plot(r * sin(theta), r * (1 + cos(theta)))

# Update the point
def update(frame):
    t = frame * dt
    # (1) and (2) => theta = 2 * arccos(cos(omega * t))
    _theta = 2 * arccos(cos(omega * t))
    _x = r * (_theta - sin(_theta))
    _y = r * (1 + cos(_theta))
    p = array([[_x,_y]])
    #circle_obj.set_xdata(r * (sin(theta) + _theta))
    #return (line_obj, point_obj, circle_obj)
    return (line_obj, point_obj)

# Animate one period
dt = 1./50
ani = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=int(period / dt), interval=1000 * dt, repeat=True)
#ani.save('output.gif', dpi=80, writer='imagemagick')


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