Many Worlds Quantum Tic Tac Toe

MWQT^3 I've just discovered Quantum Tic Tac Toe . This is a brilliant game designed to give players an intuition for Quantum Mechanics without requiring them to learn any complicated mathematics. Superposition Instead of playing in just one square each player gets to play in two squares at once. Here player X has played in the 1st & 2nd squares on their first move, the 3rd & 6th squares on their 2nd move, and the 8th & 9th squares on their 3rd move. Similarly player O has played on two squares each move, and the marks are subscripted to indicate when in the game play they were laid down. Entanglement Ultimately each pair of marks will be replaced with a single mark and the board will look like ordinary Tic Tac Toe - which is how we are able to determine a winner. But the final location of, say, O_2 may need to depend on the final location of, say, X_1 if we are to avoid ending up with squares with multiple marks in them. In this case...