More late night thinking...

(Probably mad, but worth saving for posterity) Today's post follows on from this previous post in which I argued that the entire universe is in a superposition of states. I showed how this can lead to the impression that only the system under study is in a superposition, whilst the rest of the world is in a single - classical - state. To summarize that argument: Reality is a superposition of states for the entire universe, each of which can be thought of as a complete classical block universe. We don't directly experience the whole universe, so let's arbitrarily place a closed surface around us to demarcate what we "directly" experience. Remember that this is a surface in 4 dimensional spacetime and so is itself 3 dimensional. Also remember that it is completely arbitrary: if you like you can let it contain your entire body for your entire life; or it could just be your brain for some duration. You could even let the surface enclose e...