SR15 and BECCS

Bio-Energy Carbon Capture & Storage I've been reading a lot about climate change recently. I'd like to help move this issue further up the political and news agenda, but the problem is that any claim can easily be dismissed as coming from a fringe source and countered with a claim from another source. So it really helps that the IPCC exists and makes regular reports to the UN. No one can dismiss the IPCC as "fringe". Many scientists believe they take a too conservative line for political reasons. But this too is quite handy as it means that when the IPCC say "we need to do at least this", then everyone(*) agrees we need to do at least that. I've been reading the IPCC's Special Report: Global Warming of 1.5 ºC Summary for Policymakers . The UN asked the IPCC to report on the differences between a +1.5ºC future and a +2ºC one, and in 2018 they did. A lot of the report consists of bland qualitative statements along the lines of ...