
Showing posts from December, 2018


If the sky were covered in moons it'd be almost a bright as day! Walking to the pub through the Yorkshire Dales on a particularly brilliant moonlit evening, when everything was clearly visible, I wondered just how much less light there was than during daytime?  It turns out to be quite easy to estimate an upper bound - all you need to do is measure the angle subtended by the moon! Let A_e and A_m be the cross sectional areas of the Earth and moon, d be the distance to the moon, and r be the distance to the Sun.  Now, suppose the Sun releases some energy E_s then the amounts E_{se} and E_{sm} which land on the Earth and the moon are given by: \begin{align} E_{se} &= \frac{A_e E_s}{4\pi r^2}\\ E_{sm} &\approx \frac{A_m E_s}{4\pi r^2} \end{align} On a full moon, let's assume for the sake of calculating an upper bound that the moon reflects all of E_{sm} equally in all hemispheric directions.  Then the energy reflected to the Earth ...

Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Theorem of the week This week's theorem of the week is the fundamental theorem of algebra , and the picture is the proof! Theorem Every non degree-zero polynomial p(z) = a_nz^n + ...+ a_1z +  a_0 has a root in \mathbb{C}. Picture proof To see how the picture proves this, write z as Re^{i\theta}, then for all k z^k = R^ke^{k i \theta} So for sufficiently large R the a_nz^n term dwarfs all the others and so the image of \{z\in\mathbb{C}: \lvert z \rvert = R\} must go around the origin n times, like the rubber band in the photo.  But when R= 0 the image is just \{a_0\} which goes around the origin zero times.  So, for some 0 < r < R the image of \{z\in\mathbb{C}: \lvert z \rvert = r\} must cross the origin.  QED. Less handwavy proof In order to obtain a contradiction assume p(z) has no zeros.  Then \frac{z^{n-1}}{p(z)} is everywhere differentiable, which in turn means that its closed loop integrals are...