Selfish Genes

Original Image: Mariuswalter CC BY-SA 4.0 I've just finished reading "A Crack In Creation" by Jennifer Doudna and Samuel Sternberg. Doudna is the co-creator of CRISPR, the gene editing tool that genuinely is a Cracking Creation. (I don't think the pun was intended since the word Cracking is not used much outside of and Wallace and Grommit appreciation societies, however, it would have been incredibly apt if it were!) If you are interested in How-Things-Work then this is a book for you. I knew next to nothing about cell biology before starting it and now I feel like a pro. The authors' writing style is incredibly clear, but what really saves you from the sense of drowning in acronym soup are the excellent illustrations throughout the book. So, if you have heard the terms: DNA, RNA, base pair, ribosome, amino acid, protein, phage, virus, prokaryote, ... and so on, but aren't really sure what these things are or how they relate to each other th...